GeoStabilization, whose passion is developing and installing innovative solutions that protect people and infrastructure from the dangers of geohazards, is taking part in the 2018 National Construction Safety Week. Collectively our employees believe that to create safe work environments, workers, employees, and leaders must recognize two things – that they must actively make safe choices every day, and that those choices have a significant impact on their colleagues, company, and their family and friends.
GeoStabilization has implemented an industry-leading safety program as demonstrated by our earning the ADSC’s Outstanding Safety Program Award for the past three years and an Experience Modifier (EMR) of 0.72 [industry standard is 1.00]. All this translates into the knowledge that we are one of the safest geotechnical contractors in the industry.
This week, as we recognize the importance of safety within the company and on our job sites, we request that each roadway driver slowdown in construction zones. We want every construction employee to return home safely to their families.