What Methods Can Be Used for Rockfall Containment?
There are several methods that can be used for rockfall containment, including catch fences, rockfall netting, mesh systems, and securing the rock material to the slope. Catch fences are typically made of steel cables and posts that are installed perpendicular to the slope to catch rocks and prevent them from rolling down. Rockfall netting, on the other hand, is a high-tensile mesh that is anchored to the slope to prevent rock movement. Mesh systems can be used in combination with rock bolts to secure the rock material to the slope and prevent its movement. Finally, rock material can be secured to the slope through the use of bolts, shotcrete, or chemical resins. The specific method used will depend on the unique characteristics of the slope and the desired level of protection. At GeoStabilization, our team of experts will analyze the data and choose the best solution for each individual application.