The March 2018 issue of Geotechnical News, a leading publication for the geotechnical industry, featured an article from AGHP Members John Duffy, Marc Fish, and Colby Barrett. The piece, which was invited by GN Editor Richard Guthrie, who also provided its introduction, highlights AGHP’s role in the industry and focuses on one of the association’s highest-level endeavors right now: Safety.
“The very nature of the work means that lives are at risk at every stage of mitigation,” the authors write, “whether it is in the course of preliminary site investigations, during construction, or carrying out inspection or maintenance of mitigation measures.”
The authors highlight the problem of the lack of wide-spread adoption of an updated rope-access protocol, show how AGHP is working to correct this void, and they emphasize best practices and slope safety evaluation.
A downloadable copy of the article can be found here.