Mine Grouting Service and Sinkhole Remediation

GeoStabilization International® is a leading sinkhole mitigation company. The company’s highly skilled engineers and limited access technology can handle all sinkhole types across various terrains.

GeoStabilization’s sinkhole repair and remediation services include:

  • Conducting on-site geophysical surveys and assessments
  • Stabilizing retrogressions
  • Preventing the expansion of existing sinkholes
  • Grouting sinkholes to stabilize the ground and surrounding structures

What Are Sinkholes?

Sinkholes are holes, depressions, or underground voids that typically occur due to ground collapse. Reasons for the formation of sinkholes include:

  • Natural erosion processes
  • Gradual removal of limestone or other soluble bedrock by running water
  • Cave roof collapse
  • Lowering the water table
  • Dissolution of the carbonate rock holding sandstone particles together
  • Failure of old pipes due to water main breaks or sewer collapses
  • Groundwater and subsurface fluid extraction or over-pumping

GeoStabilization International® Sinkhole Repair and Remediation Services

GeoStabilization offers fully engineered soil repairs, ground improvement, and sinkhole remediation solutions.

Sinkhole Repair

When a sinkhole occurs, GeoStabilization’s engineers assess the site to develop a repair plan based on the hole’s size, location, geomorphology, and root cause.

The repair of small and stable sinkholes in open areas typically consists of filling them with dirt and restoring the ground cover. Large holes in open spaces require excavation down to the bedrock, followed by sealing the throat against water flow and filling the void with dirt, gravel, rock, and grout.

Sinkhole Remediation

Sinkholes beneath buildings and other infrastructure require more complex solutions. In addition to repairing the sinkhole, GeoStabilization’s teams stabilize the structures above and may install additional support.

This process usually involves the insertion of compaction or injection grout under high pressure into the ground to fill any voids and achieve more compacted soil. GeoStabilization’s technicians may also install micropiles in the bedrock for additional bearing support. While each case requires a unique solution, the goal always is to create robust support underneath to prevent future issues.

Sinkholes can also develop over utility infrastructure such as sewer and drain pipes. These typically occur when installation teams do not compact the soil over the pipes properly. As the soil settles, holes or trenches form on the ground surface. GeoStabilization’s teams can usually fix such issues with compaction grouting.

A Mine Grouting and Sinkhole Repair Project

Remediate a sinkhole that had started to form in the mine. GeoStabilization’s sinkhole technicians inserted expandable foam grout into the ground to fill any cracks and crevices. As the grout expanded, it compacted and solidified the detached rock mass to prevent future ground collapse and rockfalls and save the degrading bench from further erosion.

GeoStabilization International®: The Leading Sinkhole Mitigation Company

GeoStabilization International® is North America’s premier sinkhole repair and remediation provider. The company maintains 24-hour emergency capability and stockpiles materials nationwide. This enables GeoStabilization’s teams to assist property owners, businesses, and government agencies with their sinkhole remediation needs anytime and anywhere across the U.S. and Canada.

Call 855-579-0536 for a no-cost, no-obligation rapid site assessment.


Contact Us Today

If you are interested in a no-obligation site visit to determine if our services fit your geohazard mitigation needs, call us at 855-579-0536 or fill out our contact form.


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