Customized Pinned Mesh Applications for the Ultimate Geotechnical Stability

Welcome to Access Limited, your trusted partner in revolutionizing geotechnical solutions. With decades of expertise in pioneering pinned mesh techniques, we have set new industry standards in stability and safety. Whether you need to shore up slopes, reinforce foundations, or ensure long-term structural integrity, our team of dedicated engineers is here to install solutions tailored to your unique project requirements.


What are the different types of pinned mesh?

There are several types of pinned mesh systems, each designed for specific applications and environmental conditions. Here are the common types:

Rockfall barriers are large-scale solutions designed to intercept and contain falling rocks on slopes or cliffs. These barriers consist of steel cables and mesh panels that absorb the impact of falling rocks, preventing them from reaching roads, buildings, or other vulnerable areas.

High-tensile mesh is made of steel wire ropes woven into a mesh structure. This type of mesh is used to stabilize slopes by preventing soil erosion and controlling small rockfalls. High-tensile mesh is flexible and can conform to the natural contours of the slope, providing effective reinforcement.

Debris flow barriers are specialized systems designed to mitigate the impact of debris flows, which are fast-moving mixtures of water, mud, rocks, and vegetation. These barriers are engineered to withstand the force of debris flows and protect infrastructure downstream.

Tecco mesh, also known as wire mesh rockfall drapery, consists of steel wire mesh panels connected to the slope surface using anchor plates and rockfall bolts. Tecco mesh is highly versatile and can be used for various applications, including slope stabilization, rockfall protection, and erosion control.

Ring net and spider net systems are three-dimensional mesh structures used to stabilize steep slopes and cliffs. These systems consist of interconnected steel rings or cables, creating a robust mesh structure that provides stability and prevents rockfall.

Flexible cable net systems are composed of steel cables interconnected with high-strength knots. These systems are adaptable and can be installed on irregular or complex slope geometries. Flexible cable netting is effective in stabilizing loose rock masses and preventing rockfall.

Hybrid systems combine different types of pinned mesh components to create customized solutions for specific slope stabilization projects. These systems utilize a combination of steel cables, mesh panels, anchors, and other elements to address unique geotechnical challenges.

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What are the advantages of using pinned mesh?

There are several advantages of using pinned mesh solutions for geotechnical stability:

  • Increased Safety: Provides increased safety by reinforcing slopes and foundations, reducing the risk of slope failures, rockfalls, and other geotechnical hazards. The mesh acts as a barrier, preventing loose material from falling onto roads, buildings, or other infrastructure.
  • Versatility: Solutions can be customized to fit various project requirements. They can be used in a wide range of applications, such as stabilizing slopes, supporting retaining walls, reinforcing rock faces, and protecting against erosion.
  • Durability: Solutions are designed to withstand natural forces and environmental conditions. The mesh panels are made from high-strength materials, such as galvanized steel, which provide long-lasting stability and structural integrity.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Using pinned mesh can be a cost-effective solution compared to traditional stabilization methods. The installation process is efficient, and the materials used are often more affordable compared to alternatives like rock bolts or concrete retaining walls.
  • Quick Installation: Solutions can be installed quickly and efficiently, minimizing project downtime. The mesh panels are pre-fabricated off-site, and the installation process involves drilling holes and attaching the mesh to the surface using steel pins or soil nails.

Why Choose Access Limited's Solutions?

Tailored Precision

At Access Limited, we understand that no two projects are alike. We recognize the importance of precision in geotechnical solutions, which is why our experts meticulously assess your site's requirements. Our team works closely with you to understand your specific needs, challenges, and project goals. With this thorough understanding, we design and deliver pinned mesh applications that ensure a perfect fit for your unique project.

Enhanced Stability

When it comes to geotechnical stability, Access Limited's solutions provide unparalleled performance. Our advanced techniques reinforce slopes and foundations against natural forces such as erosion and ground movement. By applying our expertise we fortify structures, mitigating risks and safeguarding them for years to come. With Access Limited on your side, you can have confidence in the long-term stability and safety of your project.

Industry-Leading Expertise

Access Limited takes pride in our team of seasoned geotechnical engineers who are experts in the intricacies of pinned mesh applications. With years of experience, our engineers have encountered various challenges and successfully implemented solutions in diverse projects. Their deep knowledge and understanding of techniques ensure optimal placement and integration. It is this level of expertise that distinguishes Access Limited as a leader in the industry.

Proven Results

At Access Limited, our work speaks for itself. We have a strong track record of successfully completed projects, demonstrating the effectiveness and reliability of our solutions. Our satisfied clients attest to the durability and performance of our tailored applications. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, we strive to exceed expectations and deliver results that stand the test of time.

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