The event will be held Thursday, March 23rd
To register for the event, please contact:
Justin Anderson, M.S., P.E. at or by phone at 859.361.2465
Paul Travis, E.I.T. at or by phone at 859.200.5347
Brian Edwards, E.I.T. at or by phone at 859.629.5698
A PDH certificate will be awarded for the number of hours attended
The workshop will be held in the Mountain View Room at the Hampton Inn, Pikeville KY
831 Hambley Blvd , Pikeville, KY, 41501, US
Registration begins at 7:30 am • Workshop starts at 8:00 am
8:00 – 12:00pm
12:00 – 1:00pm
1:00 – 4:00pm
Marty Woodard Ph.D., P.E., P.G.
Rockfall Division Engineer, GeoStabilization International
Justin Anderson, P.E.
Project Development Engineer, GeoStabilization International
Paul Travis, E.I.T.
Senior Project Development Engineer, GeoStabilization International
Brian Edwards, E.I.T.
Project Development Engineer, GeoStabilization International