Impact Attenuators

Guardrail Solutions

Impact Attenuators

Sufficient impact attenuator safety minimizes the severity of collisions and safeguards roadside fixtures. The RoadGuard team offers efficient and effective crash cushion solutions that maximize security. We can fabricate and install robust systems with a high level of reusability to lower future repair and maintenance costs.

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Impact Attenuator

Types of Impact Attenuators

Impact attenuators reduce collision impacts by absorbing the kinetic energy from a vehicle that crashes into it. These crash barriers come in many forms. Some crash attenuator systems consist of crushable materials to absorb kinetic energy, while others transfer the energy to water or sand. A third type of crash barrier converts impact energy into heat.

Crash cushions are further classified as gating and non-gating barriers. Gating cushions allow vehicles to pass through the barrier and need ample clearing space around them, while a non-gating cushion deflects the vehicle when hit on the side and stops a vehicle upon head-on impact.

A non-gating barrier is a complex system with various segments that crumple upon collision. Because of their complexity, these safety systems are more expensive to manufacture and install upfront, but they are reusable and may only require minimal repairs after a collision.


Applications for Crash Attenuator Systems

The Department of Transportation (DOT) places highway impact attenuators strategically to help drivers avoid hitting rigid, unforgiving objects. Motorists can, for example, collide with rigid objects when they want to access a highway offramp and switch lanes at the last minute or when they lose control and depart from their lane toward a hazardous roadside fixture. To reduce the force of impact and safeguard motorists, vehicles, and roadside fixtures, DOT places permanent vehicle crash barriers at guardrail end terminals, highway offramps, toll booths, and splits in a lane for ongoing protection.

Impact attenuators also find application in temporary safety systems — protecting workers, equipment, and structures from vehicle impacts for a period. You can place them at construction sites or use temporary crash barriers to close off a lane when repairing a stretch of road.

Why Rely on RoadGuard for Highway Impact Attenuators

RoadGuard is a reputable government contractor that installs various road safety features, including robust impact attenuators, in multiple states. When you choose to work with us, we offer:

Utilizing advanced technology and streamlining our processes equips us to work efficiently. Implement crash systems with minimal impact on road usage.

We are a full-service highway contractor with ample experience. Our team can offer guidance on impact attenuator designs to ensure your solution delivers maximum protection.

The RoadGuard team has over 100 years of combined experience. Our professionals focus on building client trust and delivering precise, cost-efficient results.

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Schedule a Site Visit Today

Installing superior impact attenuators from RoadGuard can safeguard roadside fixtures and enhance motorists' safety. Contact our expert team online today for a free site visit and a quick proposal. You can also speak to our representatives directly by calling 877.839.0155.


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